PbTiO 3 and Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 , have been applied to various actuators and sensors due to their high piezoelectric and dielectric properties. However, the usage of lead-based materials is prohibited by Restriction of Hazardous Substances. In this study, a new biocompatible MgSiO 3 thin film is generated on the Au/SrTiO 3 (110) substrate, which is determined on basis of our three-scale analyses, by using the radio-frequency magnetron sputtering method. The crystallographic orientation of thin film was measured by using X-ray diffractometer and the displacement-voltage curves were measured by using the ferroelectric character evaluation system, respectively. An optimum condition, which leads to the highest piezoelectric property, is determined through the experimental design algorithm and the analysis of variance table schemes. The peak of MgSiO 3 (111) crystal was obtained and its intensity increased with the substrate and the post-annealing temperatures. MgSiO 3 thin films showed good piezoelectric properties, because they yielded the typical butterfly-type hysteresis curves. Additionally, the substrate temperature was significant at 1% level for piezoelectric strain constant d 33 . Optimum generating condition was obtained as T s = 300 ºC, T a = 650 ºC and f O2 = 3.0 sccm, and its piezoelectric strain constant was d 33 = 346.7 pm/V, which was higher than the values of the existing piezoelectric BaTiO 3 .