The coumarin derivatives osthol and coumurrayin were isolated from foliage of Murrayapaniculata (Rutaceae). In addition, a new coumarin, paniculatin, was obtained. By means of chemical degradation and u.v., n.m.r., and mass spectroscopy, the new compound was identified as 7-methoxy-8-(isovaleryloxy-2-keto-3-methylbutyl)coumarin.L'osthol et la coumurrayine des derivb de la coumarine, ont ete iso1i.s i partir du Murrayapaniculata (Rutaceae). En plus, une nouvelle coumarine, la paniculatine, a ete obtenue. En utilisant la degradation chimique et la spectroscopie u.v., r.m.n., et de masse, le nouveau compose a etb identifib comme btant le methoxy-7 (isovaleryloxyc~to-2 mbthyl-3 buty1)-8 coumarine.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 50, 443 (1972) The plant Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack (M. exotica L.), family Rutaceae, is known to contain coumarin derivatives. Bose and Mookerjee (1) Gas chromatographic examination of foliage extracts of this plant have now revealed the presence of coumurrayin and several other coumarins. Osthol (7-methoxy-8-(3-methyl-2-buteny1)coumarin) was identified by U.V. and n.m.r. spectroscopy (5) and by co-chromatography with an authentic standard, and two other 8-isopentenyl-type derivatives present only in trace amounts were partly characterized. These, isolated by gas chromatography, had the same fluorescence and U.V. absorption characteristics as osthol. In their n.m.r. spectra doublets could be discerned at 6 6.2,7.7,6.9, and 7.4, indicating they were 8-alkyl coumarins (5). Both showed 7-methoxyl at 6 3.9 but the aliphatic end of the spectrum was obscured by instrument noise: in one derivative signals (3H?) could be seen at 6 1.23, 1.31 and 1.70, in the other at 6 1.78 and 2.42. In addition, a new coumarin for which the name paniculatin is suggested, was isolated in reasonable quantities and identified as 7-methoxy-8-( 1-isovaleryloxy-2-keto-3-methylbu- 'NRCC No. 12275. ty1)coumarin (1) on the basis of the following evidence. The compound had a molecular formula C2,H2,06, determined by mass spectroscopy (calcd. and found m/e 360.1573), and fluoresced violet under U.V. excitation in the same way as osthol. The U.V. spectrum, A, , , (EtOH) 247, 256, and 320 nm, unchanged by the addition of NaOH or AlCl,, was typical of 7-alkoxycoumarins. This was confirmed by the ['H]n.m.r. spectrum in DCCl, (Fig.