One novel important application of sinter‐based additive manufacturing involving binder jetting is copper‐based products. Three different variants of nominally pure copper powder having particle size distributions with D90 < 16, 22, or 31 μm were investigated in this study. The packing behavior and the flow properties using dynamic test and shear cell, as well as specific surface area were evaluated. The analyses employed illustrate the multidimensional complexity. Because different measurements capture different aspect of the powder, it is imperative to apply a characterization approach involving different methods. Surface chemical analysis by means of X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that all powder variants were covered by Cu2O, CuO, and Cu (OH)2, with Cu2O being dominant in all cases. The finest powder with D90 < 16 μm tended to have higher relative amount of copper in divalent state. The average apparent oxide thickness estimated by XPS depth profiling showed that the two coarser variants had similar overall average oxide thickness, whereas the finest one possessed smaller oxide thickness. The surface chemistry of the powder grades is found to be related to their rheological behavior in dynamic condition. Considering the specific surface areas in combination with the average oxide thicknesses, the amount of surface bound oxygen was estimated to be about ~220 ppm for all three variants. Specific concerns need to be taken during the sintering of powder to keep oxygen level below that of electrolytic pitch copper (400 ppm).