The specific mechanical property and structure of a material can be achieved by combining various types of materials and technologies. The main aim of this research is to develop new creep-and oxidation-resistant materials (ODS) (new ODS Fe-Al based alloys and ODS composites) applicable at high temperatures of up to about 1100°C. The new ODS composites consist of a ferritic Fe-Al matrix strengthened with about volume fractions 2 % to 30 % of Al2O3 particles. In order to find the optimum material structure, different oxide amounts were added to three different containers. Also, to find the influence of the temperature on the obtained structures, three processing temperatures of (26, 750 and 1150)°C were used with the specific deformation profile. An analysis of the structures was performed using different analytical methods such as light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Keywords: ODS steel, alloys, composite, creep, Fe-Al Posebne mehanske lastnosti in strukturo materiala je mogo~e dose~i s kombinacijo razli~nih vrst materialov in tehnologij. Glavni namen tega~lanka je razviti nov material, odporen proti lezenju in oksidaciji (ODS), tj. novo ODS-zlitino na osnovi Fe-Al in ODS-kompozite, uporabne pri visokih temperaturah do 1100°C. Novi ODS-kompozit je sestavljen iz feritne Fe-Al-osnove, oja~ane z okrog volumenskim dele`em od 2 % do 30 % delcev Al2O3. Da bi dobili optimalno strukturo materiala, je bil v tri vsebnike prime{an razli~en dele`oksida. Za ugotovitev vpliva temperature na dobljeno strukturo so bile uporabljene tri temperature izdelave (26, 750 in 1150)°C s posebnim profilom deformacije. Analiza strukture je bila izvr{ena z razli~nimi metodami, kot so svetlobna mikroskopija, vrsti~na elektronska mikroskopija in rentgenska difrakcija.