The two most extensively characterized thromboxane/ prostaglandin endoperoxide (TP) receptors, from human platelets and rat vascular smooth muscle, exhibit thromboxane agonist [15-(1␣,2(5Z),3␣-(1E,3S),4␣)]-7-[3-hydroxy-4-(p-iodophenoxy)-1-butenyl-7-oxabicycloheptenoic acid (I-BOP) binding affinities that differ by an order of magnitude, rat TP having the higher affinity. We utilized this difference in I-BOP affinity to identify structural determinants of TP receptor heterogeneity. No significant difference was found in the rank order of affinities for a series of thromboxane receptor ligands to bind to cloned human TP␣ versus rat TP, indicating that these represent species homologs, not distinct TP subtypes. Structural determinants for observed differences in I-BOP binding Thromboxane A 2 is one of the most potent platelet-aggregating and vasoconstricting agents known. High affinity interactions of thromboxane A 2 or prostaglandin H 2 (1, 2) and lower affinity interactions of prostaglandin F 2 ␣, and E 2 (3) at membrane thromboxane/prostaglandin endoperoxide (TP) 1 receptors transduce these effects in platelets and vascular smooth muscle. To date, two human TP subtypes as well as mouse and rat TP have been cloned (4 -8). The two human subtypes, designated TP␣ and TP, are the alternately spliced products of a single gene, diverge only in the intracellular carboxyl terminus, and display identical ligand binding characteristics but different patterns of coupling to G-protein effectors (9).The cloned rat and mouse TP are 93% identical at the amino acid level, while, compared with the human TP␣, the rat TP is 73% identical. Several laboratories have compared the ligand binding characteristics of human platelet and rat vascular TP and have found that the rat receptor exhibits unique pharmacology exemplified by a binding affinity for the agonist 125 I-BOP, which is 10-fold greater than human TP (3,10,11,12). A comparative study of transfected human TP␣ and rat TP has confirmed these findings (7).There is a great deal of interest in identifying the structural determinants of thromboxane receptor ligand binding due to the potential for development and refinement of subtype-specific agonists and antagonists. To date, two studies have employed mutagenesis to examine the effects of single amino acid substitutions on ligand binding. Funk et al. (13) modified several amino acids within the seventh transmembrane-spanning domain of human TP␣ and characterized changes in antagonist binding. However, since the amino acids in transmembrane domain 7 are absolutely conserved in all known TP receptors, these studies do not help to define differences between the naturally occurring receptors. In the second study, our laboratory examined the functional consequences of substitution mutagenesis of cysteine residues within human TP␣ and identified three cysteines that affected ligand binding (14). Cysteines 105 and 184, in the first and second extracellular loops, respectively, were absolutely required for binding and were assumed to f...