10.3. Thermal Unfolding 10.4. Association of MAT III to form MAT I: Role of the Disulfide C35-C61 10.5. Complementary Folding Data Obtained in MAT Proteins of Different Origins 11. MAT Inhibitors 12. Role of MAT in Diseases 12.1. Cognitive and Neurodegenerative Diseases 12.2. Human Mutations in MAT1A Gene: Hypermethioninemia and Demyelination 12.3. MAT and Cancer 12.4. MAT and Ethanol 2. MAMMALIAN MATs Early studies on mammalian MATs showed the existence of this activity in all the tissues studied, the highest being observed in liver. However, complex kinetics were obtained which made the results difficult to interpret until the presence of several isoenzymes was realized. Separations carried out on phenyl Sepharose columns showed elution of three peaks with different hydrophobic character; these were named according to the order of elution as MAT I, II and III. All these isoenzymes share some characteristics such as the Mg 2+ dependence of their 9/14/2012 Page 6 of 80 activity (S 0.5 !1 mM), stimulation by K + ions, and their AdoMet-inducible tripolyphosphatase activity [4, 5]. 2.1. MAT I/III isoenzymes Since their discovery, these isoenzymes were known as liver-specific forms of MAT, until Lu et al. in 2003 [6] showed their presence also in pancreas. Several laboratories have reported in depth studies of MAT I and III which have been carried out using adult liver. The differences can be summarized as follows: i) MAT I is a tetramer whereas MAT III is a dimer, with respective Mr appearing as 200 and 110 kDa upon gel filtration chromatography, ii) their Km values for methionine are in the micromolar range for MAT I (60-120 µM) and in the millimolar range for MAT III (1 mM) [7, 8]; iii) MAT III can be activated by DMSO at physiological concentrations of methionine (60 µM) and is highly hydrophobic (eluting from phenyl Sepharose columns at 50% DMSO (v/v)); and, iv) AdoMet inhibits MAT I and activates MAT III. Some of these differences are normally used to distinguish between isoenzymes in activity assays. Both purified proteins show a common single band (designated "1) of approximately 48 kDa on SDS-PAGE, and antibodies raised against the dimer form recognized both, thus suggesting that a single type of subunit arranged in two assemblies could explain the presence of both oligomers [7]. Further experiments that supported this hypothesis included peptide mapping of the purified isoenzymes [7], dissociation of the tetramer to the dimer using LiBr [9] or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) modification [10]. The final confirmation came upon cloning of a single cDNA [11, 12] followed by overexpresion in E. coli cells [13], which showed in vivo production of dimers and tetramers. This single subunit type is a product of the MAT1A gene that contains nine exons and eight introns spanning !20 kb [14], and has been localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization to the human chromosome 10q.22 [15]. Animal models, as well as the analysis of human samples, led to the identification of changes in the MAT I/III ratio in pathological conditi...