An approach for identification of sea ice types in spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image data is presented. The unsupervised classification approach involves cluster analysis for segmentation of the image data followed by cluster labeling based on previously defined look-up tables containing the expected backscatter signatures of different ice types measured by land-based scatterometer. The particular look-up table used for labeling a segmented image is selected based on the seasonal and meteorological conditions at the time of data acquisition. The extensive scatterometer observations and experience accumulated in field campaigns during the last 10 years were used to construct these look-up tables. These tables are expected to evolve as sea ice observations from the European ERS-1 SAR become available. This paper presents the classification approach, its expected performance, the dependence of this performance on radar system performance, and expected ice scattering characteristics. Results using both aircraft and simulated ERS-1 SAR data are presented. The results are compared to limited field ice property measurements and coincident passive microwave imagery. An algorithm based on this experimental approach has been implemented in the geophysical processor system at the Alaska SAR Facility for classification of sea ice data in ERS-1 C band SAR data. The importance of an integrated postlaunch program for validation and improvement of this approach is discussed.
INTRODUCTIONThe derivation of valuable information on sea ice properties from radar imagery has increased steadily over the last decade [Carsey, 1989] These SAR studies of sea ice have examined imagery obtained from aircraft and spaceborne SAR systems, usually in combination with other sensors, in situ measurements of ice and snow conditions, and near-surface scatterometer and radiometer measurements. The radars have operated over a wide range of frequencies, incidence angles, and polarizations. During this decade, single-channel spaceborne S ARs are to be launched on the European ERS-1 in 1991, the Japanese ERS-1 in 1992, and the Canadian RADARSAT in 1994. These satellites will provide the first opportunities for the extensive spaceborne monitoring of the polar regions with a SAR since Seasat (which operated for 3• months in 1978). At the end of this decade, NASA has proposed to launch the EOS (Earth Observing System) SAR (a multifrequency, multipolarization SAR) as an integral component of the Mission to Planet Earth, a comprehensive suite of satellite instruments designed to examine global climate change, of which sea ice is a key and supposedly dramatic indicator.In response to these opportunities for examining the polar regions with high-resolution, all-weather spaceborne SARs, the Alaska SAR Facility (ASF) has been implemented at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to receive, process, and archive SAR data from these satellites and to generate sea ice geophysical products from the data [ This paper focuses on the ice classification algo...