O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a presença e o comportamento do Cu, Pb e Cd em águas de drenagem urbana na cidade de Curitiba, no Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas durante 21 eventos de chuva em uma avenida de tráfego médio. As concentrações dos metais foram similares àquelas descritas na literatura, seguindo a ordem Pb>Cu>>Cd. Uma estimativa da carga anual dos três metais para a Bacia do Rio Bacacheri, de 30 km 2 , revelou valores de 1.520, 950 e 25 kg para Pb, Cu e Cd, respectivamente. O chumbo mostrou-se preferencialmente associado ao material particulado (82%), seguido do cádmio (66%) e do cobre (48%). Na fração dissolvida ficou evidenciada uma relação dos metais com a matéria orgânica dissolvida, seguindo a ordem Cu>Pb>Cd. As concentrações dos metais também variaram em função de fatores tais como o primeiro fluxo e o número de dias de estiagem que precedem um evento de chuva.We investigate the presence and behavior of Cu, Pb, and Cd in runoff waters from a residential area located in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. Samples were collected in twenty-one stormwater events in an intermediate traffic way located in the Bacacheri watershed. Metal concentrations were similar to range values compiled worldwide and followed the order: Pb>Cu>>Cd. Unit loads were estimated to the watershed, which cover an area of 30 km 2 , revealing values of 1520, 950, 25 kg for Pb, Cu, and Cd, respectively. Among the three metals, lead showed the greatest affinity for the suspended solids (82%) followed by Cd (66%) and Cu (48%). Meanwhile, an association of the metals with the organic matter in the dissolved phase, following the order Cu>Pb>Cd. Metal loads and behavior in urban runoff also depends on factors such as the first flush and the dry period preceding a storm event.Keywords: heavy metal, urban stormwater runoff, pollution load, nonpoint source
IntroductionNonpoint pollution resulting from urban stormwater runoff has been identified as one of the major causes of the deterioration of the quality of surface receiving waters. [1][2][3] During stormwater events water runs on the surface washing away a variety of pollutants alongside the drainage area and reaches, intermittently, receiving water bodies. 4,5 Additionally, in urban areas, impervious surfaces such as roads, bridges, parking lots, and buildings do not allow the slow percolation of the water into the ground. In this case, the water remains above the surface, accumulating and running off in large amounts. 6,7 Many previous studies revealed that nonpoint emissions remain the largest source of water quality problems in developed countries. Nowadays, it is the main reason that approximately 40% of rivers, lakes, and estuaries located in the United States are not clean enough to meet basic uses such as fishing or swimming. 8 In Brazil, as well as in many developing countries, the identification and monitoring of nonpoint sources still represent a great challenge. In fact, this issue has not been properly addressed and the pollutant content of urban surface waters ha...