KeyWordsColumn liquid chromatography Fluorinated stationary phase PhenoxypropionTc adds Herbicides Thermodyna mTc pro pertTes
SummaryThe effect oFsodium chloride (NaCI) or,, the mechanTsm oF retention oF a series oF phenoxypropionTc acids has been investigated For the fTrst tTme by hTgh-performance ITquTd chromatography (HPLC) wth a novel fluorTnated stationary phase (FSP).ThermodynamTc data relating to retention were determined for a wide range of NaCI concentrations (x). For all the herbicides, the mechanism of retention on the FSP can be divided into ~o regions of NaCI concentration, depending on whether CI (region I) or Na--(region II) has the predominant effect on herbi cide FSP association. This change in the herbicide interaction process was confirmed byan en thalpy entropyinvestigation. This dual mechanism was also used to enable better understand ing of the process of separation of halogenated molecules on this FSR