In this study, we determined whether the calcium-dependent protein kinase (PKC) signaling pathway is involved in the improvement of fear memory reconsolidation induced by the intrahippocampal administration of spermidine in rats. Male Wistar rats were trained in a fear conditioning apparatus using a 0.4-mA footshock as an unconditioned stimulus. Twenty-four hours after training, animals were re-exposed to the apparatus in the absence of shock (reactivation session). Immediately after the reactivation session, spermidine (2 -200 pmol/site), the PKC inhibitor 3-[1-(dimethylaminopropyl)indol-3-yl]-4-(indol-3-yl) maleimide hydrochloride (GF 109203X, 0.3 -30 pg/site), the antagonist of the polyamine-binding site at the NMDA receptor, arcaine (0.2 -200 pmol/site), or the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, 0.02 -2 nmol/site) was injected. While the post-reactivation administration of spermidine (20 and 200 pmol/site) and PMA (2 nmol/site) improved memory reconsolidation, GF 109203X (1, 10, and 30 pg/site) and arcaine (200 pmol/site) impaired it. GF 109203X (0.3 pg/site) impaired memory reconsolidation in the presence of spermidine (200 pmol/site). PMA (0.2 nmol/site) prevented the arcaine (200 pmol/site)-induced impairment of memory reconsolidation. Anisomycin (2 mg/site) also impaired memory reconsolidation in the presence of spermidine (200 pmol/site). Drugs had no effect when they were administered in the absence of reactivation. These results suggest that the spermidine-induced enhancement of memory reconsolidation involves PKC activation.