IntroductionMutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit lead to sterility, white coat color, intestinal disorders, and anemia reflecting various contributions of c-Kit-mediated signals to differentiation and maintenance of germ cells, melanocytes, intestinal pacemaker cells, and hematopoietic cells (for reviews, see Bernstein et al, 1 Besmer, 2 and Broudy 3 ). The c-Kit W allele encodes a shortened protein lacking the transmembrane portion, which, therefore, fails to be expressed on the cell surface. 4 Heterozygous c-Kit W/ϩ mice have a white spotted belly, hence the designation "W mutation." c-Kit W/ϩ mice are hematologically normal compared with wildtype mice. 5 Mice homozygous for the W allele (c-Kit W/W ) are entirely white and die before postnatal day 10. 6 To obtain live-born white mice with a robust frequency of 25% from c-Kit W/ϩ ϫ c-Kit W/ϩ intercrosses, Russell and Lawson 6 tested inbred lines of c-Kit W/ϩ mice by continuous brother-sister matings for large litter size and longevity of c-Kit W/W mutants. In this breeding program, the W-spotted line B (WB) c-Kit W/ϩ inbred mouse strain was established. 6 Thus, the W mutation was fixed on the WB background. In the original WB mouse strain, a low percentage (6 of 133 c-Kit W/W mice born) of weak white mice survived into adulthood. 6 The basis for this survival of c-Kit W/W mice is unknown, and this survival trait has been lost. In 2002, 75 years after the first description of the c-Kit W mutation, 7 an adult c-Kit W/W mouse strain was reported from outcrossing WB mice to mice carrying a mixed genetic background. 8 The molecular nature of the survival trait in these viable c-Kit-deficient (Vickid) mice remains unknown; therefore, carriers of the survival trait cannot be identified by molecular means. Vickid mice are sterile and have been maintained solely by intensive brother-sister matings of c-Kit W/ϩ Vickid littermates. In addition, backcrosses onto the WB background showed that the unknown modifier is dominant. Because viable c-Kit null mice are valuable tools for studying the biology of this receptor tyrosine kinase during adult life, we searched for a new way to generate viable c-Kit W/W mice, hoping to obtain more predictable numbers of surviving mice compared with Vickid mice.In
Materials and methods
MiceWB c-Kit W/ϩ mice 6 (obtained from Japan-SLC, Shizuoka, Japan), EPO overexpressing transgenic mice (line tg6), 16 and WEPO mice were kept under specific pathogen-free conditions. To generate WEPO mice, EPO-tg mice, maintained on a C57BL/6 genetic background, were crossed twice to WB c-Kit W/ϩ mice. All WEPO mice analyzed are WBB6F2c-Kit W/W EPO-tg animals. Heterozygosity and homozygosity for the W mutation was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on genomic DNA, as described previously. 8 Peripheral blood analysis was performed using an automated hemocytometer according to the manufacturer's instructions (ADVIA120; Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany).
In vitro colony assaysTo assay for erythroid colony formation, cells were plated into medium...