Analysis of stoppers has been restricted mostly to the determination of organic compounds and microorganisms, but none of these studies aimed at the mineral contents of stoppers. Therefore, the aim of this work is to determine the elemental concentration of cork and synthetic stoppers. Wine, cork, and synthetic stoppers were analyzed through the particleinduced X-ray emission and micro-particle-induced X-ray emission techniques. The analysis of the internal and external layers of cork and synthetic stoppers showed striking differences in their elemental composition and concentrations and depend on the nature of the stopper. For instance, Si, S, K, and Ca have higher concentrations in the external layer than in the inner portion of the stoppers. Moreover, our results show that elements are not distributed homogeneously throughout the surface of cork stoppers. This study provides, for the first time, data on the elemental composition of different stoppers, which could serve as a database for future research in this field. Finally, it is important to mention that wine and stoppers were analyzed with the same technique, which allows a straightforward comparison between them.