SynopsisSample disturbance effects in the laminated facies at the Bothkennar soft clay research site are examined by comparing the results of laboratory tests on specimens obtained from three fixed piston tube samplers. A significant feature of the results is that the sampling process associated with the conventional piston tube used in the UK and Ireland appears to increase the post yield stiffness and the CAUC triaxial undrained strength, reduce the preconsolidation stress, the pore pressure coefficient at failure and induce a strong tendency for dilatant behaviour post peak when compared to tests on specimens from a sampler with a modified (sharper) cutting edge angle. It is reasoned that these findings are caused by material destructuration during the sampling process with the conventional tubes. Increased densification of these specimens caused both by sampling and during anisotropic consolidation may also contribute to these effects. The results are supported by reference to recent analytical work and data for three other soils. It is recommended that the use of these conventional thin walled tubes with a crude cutting edge is abandoned and that some with improved cutting edge geometry replaces them.
IntroductionThe need to assess the degree of sample disturbance prior to interpretation of parameters derived from laboratory tests on soils is now well accepted. There are many studies reported in the literature on sample disturbance effects on soft to firm homogeneous compressible clays. Some examples are the classic papers of Lacasse et al. 1 and Lunne et al. 2 on Norwegian clays and Tanaka et al. 3 on Japanese clays. Hight et al. 4 described a similar study on the Bothkennar clay from the UK. Their focus was on the relatively uniform bedded and mottled facies at this site. There are very few examples of similar studies on sample disturbance effects on soft laminated clays.In some recent theoretical work, Clayton et al. 5 and Clayton and Siddique 6 studied some different sampler geometries, which were meant to represent, amongst others, the standard open drive "U100" tubes and the ELE 100 mm fixed piston sampler which are both commonly used in the UK. The results of this work suggested that, if the ELE tube cutting edge angle was reduced from the standard 30 to 5, axial compressive strains due to the sampling process would be much reduced and tensile strains would be eliminated completely. and a site at Port Said in Egypt. In the case of the Bothkennar clay, the modified tube performed as well as the high quality Sherbrooke block sampler. For the Port Said site, significantly higher quality samples were also obtained from the modified ELE sampler and it was possible to justify more optimistic design parameters which ultimately led to cost savings in the project.
4Non-homogeneous "mixed" deposits are frequently encountered in the UK, Ireland and elsewhere. The main objective of this work is to extend the experience mentioned above for relatively uniform soils to the Bothkennar laminated facies. This is a...