Summary: Helical strips of bovine rostral cerebral arter ies (anterior cerebral, middle cerebral, and internal ca rotid artery) responded to norepinephrine with contrac tions, whereas the caudal cerebral arteries (posterior communicating, posterior cerebral, and basilar artery) re laxed in response to the amine. After blockade of a-adrenoceptors, norepinephrine-induced rostral artery contractions were reversed to relaxations, which were smaller than those in the caudal arteries. Isoproterenol, dobutamine, and terbutaline produced greater relaxations in caudal than in rostral arteries, but forskolin relaxed these arteries to a similar magnitude. The isoproterenol induced relaxation was not affected by removal of the endothelium. Maximal relaxations induced by terbutaline Large arteries distributing to the base of the brain are thought to be important in regulating CBF (Kon tos et al., 1978). These arteries are innervated adrenergically; according to histochemical studies, noradrenergic nerves are more dense in the rostral than in the caudal part of rat and cat cerebral arter ies (Edvinsson, 1975;Kobayashi, 1981
507in caudal arteries were much inferior to those by isopro terenol, norepinephrine, and dobutamine. Relaxations caused by isoproterenol, norepinephrine, and terbutaline in the caudal arteries were attenuated by metoprolol, but not influenced by butoxamine. Relaxations mediated pos sibly by 131-adrenoceptor subtype are greater in bovine caudal cerebral arteries than in the rostral arteries. The heterogeneity does not appear to be associated with the different ability of cyclic AMP to relax arterial smooth muscle but with the difference of l3-adrenoceptor popu lations and/or processes from the receptors to adenylate cyclase. Key Words: Cerebral artery-Regional differ ence-N orepinephrine-Isoproterenol-Terbutaline Forskolin-Metoprolol-131-adrenoceptor subtype.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCerebral arteries were isolated from the bovine brain, which was obtained from a slaughterhouse within 30 min after death of the animal. The arteries (1.0-1.3 mm out side diameter) used for this series of experiments were as