Corn (Zea mays L.) root tonoplast vesicles were treated with the primary-amine specific reagent, fluorescamine (FL). Modification by FL caused a differential inhibition to the coupled activities of tonoplast H+-ATPase. Within the range of 0 to 5 micromoles of FL per milligram of protein, the proton pumping rate was significantly reduced but ATP hydrolysis was only slightly affected. Yet, the membrane H+ leakage during the pumping stage increased only slightly. FL treatment resulted in (a) a decrease in amine containing phospholipids and (b) an insertion of multiple H-bonding moieties into the membrane. To test which of these two possible effects were responsible for inhibition, FL derivatives of benzylamine, butylamine, and phenylalanine were synthesized. It was found that the acyclic derivatives with high Hbonding potential at concentrations of 10 micromolar inhibited proton pumping by 50% without a significant effect on ATP hydrolysis. Cyclic derivatives were largely ineffectual. Proton leakage during pumping was not affected by these acyclic modifiers. Membrane fluidity, as measured by the polarization of diphenyl hexatriene, decreased upon treatment with either FL or its derivatives. The results suggest that the proton pumping is indirectly linked to ATP hydrolysis in the tonoplast vesicles, and the link between these processes is apparently weakened by the presence of acyclic fluorescamine derivatives in the membrane.The tonoplast membrane of plant roots contains at least two enzymes, an ATPase and a pyrophosphatase, which can convert the chemical free energy released from the hydrolysis of high-energy phosphoester bonds, into a transmembrane proton, electrochemical gradient (2,6,8,33). According to the chemiosmotic concept, the resulting pH gradient and membrane potential may be used as the primary driving force to transport materials across the membrane (15,19). Indeed, the coupling of the proton gradient to the movement of Ca2+ (21,22) and sucrose (5) has been reported for tonoplast membranes. However, the molecular mechanism by which ATP hydrolysis induces vectorial proton transport remains unresolved.The relative consistency of H+/ATP ratio for the tonoplast H+-ATPase obtained under certain conditions would suggest that the coupling between ATP hydrolysis and proton pumping is direct (1). The direct coupling mechanism implies that at least one molecular event must be common to the pathways leading to ATP hydrolysis and proton pumping (14). Coupling could also be accomplished through an indirect linkage, such as a membrane Bohr effect advocated by some researchers (10, 28). In our previous work with corn root tonoplast vesicles, we demonstrated that proton pumping exhibited a greater sensitivity to nitrate inhibition (29), temperature (27), mercury (27), and divalent cations (30), as compared to ATP hydrolysis. To further explore the nature of the coupling between these two processes, we used fluorescamine modification employed in previous studies of mitochondria and purple membrane systems (13,...