In previous studies, there has been no consensus on the semiconducting properties of passive films on pure chromium by either photo-electrochemical analysis or Mott-Schottky (MS) analysis. In this work, a knee-point (KP), which is an exotic phenomenon in MS plots for some passive films, was found to be independent of the oxidation of Cr 3+ to Cr 6+ . This shiftable KP was observed for the first time, and a strong correlation between the KP and the corresponding direct-current variation of the film during the MS test was also found. The investigation of the capacitance-time relationship on the aging of passive films provided a rational interpretation of the KP for the film investigated. These findings demonstrated that the film formed on Cr was not an ideal semiconductor, and MS analysis was not applicable to the film. Chromium is an element widely used in stainless steel alloys and nickel-based alloys because of its excellent corrosion resistance due to its highly stable passive film. It is well known that the passive film consists of an Cr 2 O 3 inner layer and an Cr(OH) 3 outer layer.
1Numerous studies on the electronic properties of passive films have been reported. Recently, however, both p-type 2,3 and n-type 4 films were observed using MS analysis.For MS plots, we note that there is a knee-point (KP) (Fig. 1) where the slope changes from positive to negative at a higher anodic potential for the passive film on Cr. A KP is not common for an ideal semiconductor. However, this feature also commonly appears in the MS plots of some thin passive films, including those on iron, 5,6 nickel, 7,8 stainless steels, 9-11 and Ni-Cr-Mo alloys. 12-14 The KP of passive Cr has been attributed to the film oxidation of Cr 3+ to Cr 6+ . 6,13,15 The generation of excess cation vacancies due to oxidation leads to p-type semiconductive behavior, while the film resistance decreases accordingly because of the thinning of the inner layer. 13 However, in our work on Cr, Inconel 625 and C2000 showed that the impedance did not decrease when the film formation potential (E F ) was higher than the KP potential (E KP ). Similar results have also been reported on Alloy 22 in chloride solutions.14 Additionally, the dependence of impedance on E F for the passive 316L SS in borate buffer 16 was not consistent with either n-type 17,18 or with mixed-type. (For example, MS plots presented an M-shape obtained by some authors.) 6,19,20 Recently, we observed that the KP for a film could shift in both the anodic and cathodic directions under varying test conditions. This raises question about the semiconducting property, because if the KP shifts to a negative potential direction, the plot presents a p-type character; otherwise, it presents an n-type character. In this paper, KPs in MS plots of passive films on Cr in 0.05 M H 2 SO 4 were studied in detail using conventional electrochemical methods: potentiostatic polarization, MS analysis, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and I-E fixed sampling. The new phenomenon observed was analyzed ...