This study deals with the ultrastructure of the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans of the Kurloff body, a large lysosome organelle, metachromatic towards Toluidine Blue, of a blood cell unique to the guinea pig and called the Kurloff cell. Splenic Kurloff cell from oestrogen-treated guinea pig cells were examined after staining with Cuprolinic Blue, a cationic phthalocyanine-like dye, in the presence of MgCl2 in a critical electrolyte concentration method. Better results were obtained when the fixation-staining by the glutaraldehyde Cuprinolinic Blue MgCl2 mixture was preceded by a glutaraldehyde pre-fixation. On light microscopy, Kurloff bodies generally exhibited an overall pink and glassy metachromasia, sometimes with additional darker metachromatic small dots at their peripheries. At the ultrastructural level, the metachromatic central matrix of the Kurloff body usually exhibited, as a major feature, a typical network pattern of ribbon-like or stellate electron-dense precipitates suggesting the presence of a skeleton of Cuprolinic Blue-reactive filamentous structures. Taking into account their high anionicity (as shown by the stability of the dye binding in the presence of 0.3 M MgCl2) and their susceptibility to chondroitinase ABC, these anionic structures were assumed to be related to the proteochondroitin-4-sulphate previously characterized as the only major sulphated glycoconjugate of the Kurloff cell.