Incubation of FRTL-5 rat thyroid cell membranes with [32P]NAD and pertussis toxin results in the specific ADP-ribosylation of a protein of about 40 kDa. This protein has the same molecular mass of the Mi subunit of the adenylate cyclase regulatory protein Ni and is distinct from proteins ADP-ribosylated by cholera toxin in the same membranes. Prior treatment of FRTL-5 cells with pertussis toxin results in the ADP-ribosylation of Ni, as indicated by the loss of the toxin substrate in the ADP-ribosylation assay performed with membranes prepared from such cells. Preincubation of FRTL-5 cells with thyrotropin causes the same loss; cholera toxin has no such effect.Pertussis toxin, as do thyrotropin and cholera toxin, increases cAMP levels in FRTL-5 cells. Forskolin together with thyrotropin, cholera toxin or pertussis toxin causes a further increase in cAMP levels. Petussis toxin and thyrotropin are not additive in their ability to increase adenylate cyclase activity, whereas both substances are additive with cholera toxin. A role of Ni in the thyrotropin regulation of the adenylate cyclase activity in thyroid cells is proposed.The hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase complex consists of a catalytic subunit and two guanine-nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins, Ns and Ni, which couple the hormone receptor to the catalytic unit [I, 21. Each of the regulatory proteins contains an a/ heterodimer [3, 41 and a lowmolecular-mass, 5 -lO-kDa, y subunit [5]. The 35-kDa p subunit of both regulatory proteins is apparently identical in amino acid composition and sequence [6]. The M subunit of the two regulatory proteins is, in contrast, different both in amino acid sequence and in size, 39 -41 kDa for Ni [7 -91 and 42 -52 kDa for Ns [3,10,11]. Ns, the stimulatory regulator of the adenylate cyclase catalytic unit, is identified by the ability of its M subunit to be ADP-ribosylated by cholera toxin [lo, 121. Ni is identifiable by the ability of its a subunit to be ADPribosylated by a toxin produced by Bordetella pertussis [7 -91. Both cri and M S bind guanyl nucleotides and possesses GTPase activity [l, 4, la]. Pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylation of Ni appears to correlate with the effect of the toxin to block inhibition of the adenylate cyclase catalytic subunit by certain hormones [I3 -151. Ni, therefore, is considered the guaninenucleotide-binding, inhibitory regulator of the adenylate cyclase complex [I, 9, 161. The existence of Ns in the thyroidal adenylate cyclase complex has been established by the ability of cholera toxin to both stimulate adenylate cyclase complex activity and ADP- ribosylate the M subunit of In the present report we confirm this result using a continuous line of rat thyroid cells (FRTL-5). We further establish that the adenylate cyclase complex in FRTL-5 thyroid cells contains the Ni subunit. We also show that thyrotropin alters the availability of the Ni protein to the ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin.
CellsThe FRTL-5 cells (ATCC # CRL8305) used in this study were a continuou...