Metal‐containing cyclic tetrapyrroles are widely distributed in nature, and together comprise the family of compounds frequently referred to as “the pigments of life,” namely cobamides (Cba, contain cobalt), chlorophylls (contain magnesium), hemes (contain iron), and factor F
(contains nickel). In comparison to these other modified tetrapyrroles, the B
architecture is slightly different. The chemistry of the cobalt ion is key to the function of the molecule as either a coenzyme or cofactor. Other differences include a contraction of the tetrapyrrole mainframe, which allows for tighter binding of the metal, and the presence of a lower nucleotide loop that provides an extra ligand for the metal. The biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin requires the concerted effort of around 30 enzyme‐mediated steps tethered with the cellular provision of a range of cofactors and cobalt. The biosynthesis can be divided into two major sections, the first being the synthesis of the tetrapyrrole‐derived corrin ring and the second involving the synthesis and attachment of the lower nucleotide loop. In the last decade, much has been learned about how the vitamin form is converted to its biologically active coenzymic form, providing mechanistic answers into the events that overcome steep thermodynamic barriers in the formation of the covalent, organometallic bond between the cobalt ion of the ring and the 5′‐deoxyadenosyl upper ligand. Exciting recent discoveries regarding the biosynthesis of the lower ligand base 5,6‐dimethylbenzimidazole in aerobes and anaerobes have filled long‐standing gaps of knowledge, providing a solid platform for the analysis of what is likely to be a membrane‐anchored multienzyme complex.