A bioluminescent indicator for protein kinase A ba~ been developed by mutating V217 in firefly (Pltotinuspyralis) laciferase to R, and the C-terminal peroxisomal signal removed by PCR. The eDNA for normal and the RRFS mutant lueiferase were inserted into pSVTd and expressed in COS-7 ceils, Transient expression i,~ approximately 5% of cells was confirmed by extraction of active luciferase, light emission from cells in the presence of luciferin, and immuno.localisation, The cyclic-AMP analogue, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-c)'clic AMP caused a 5-10% decrease in light emission within 4 rain in COS cells expressing the RRFS mutaiat, but not in cells expressing normal lueiferase, This provides for the fir,zt time an indicator for detecting and quantifying protein kinase A activation in living cells, Cyclic AMP; Protein kinasc; Lucifcrasc. Bioluminescence
1, INTRODUCTIONIt is well established that both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP play a key role in signalling cell activation, division and development, and defence [1,2]. The kinases and phosphatases which are activated by these intracellular signals have also been well characterised [3]. cAMP binds to the regulatory subunit (R) of" C~.R,, releasing the catalytic subunit which then binds to particular sites on targeted proteins. A key recognition sequence in these proteins is RRXS, although residues on either side of this can affect the selectivity and affinity for the kinase [3,4]. Yet precisely how protein kinase A is involved in many types of cell activation, particularly in the control of gene expression required for cell division or transformation, is not well established [1].Understanding of the role of Ca -'~ in cell activation and ceil injury has been revolutionised by the technology for measuring and manipulating free Ca :+ , and for locating it, in live cells [5][6][7][8]. A major problem in establishing definitively the role of protein kinase A in a cellular event has been the lack of methods for measuring and locating protein phosphorylation in living cells. We have recently established a strategy using engineering of bioluminescent proteins to solve this problem [9,10]. eDNA coding for firefly luciferase was engineered using PCR to contain a protein kinase A recognition site, RRFS [10], and lacking the C-terminal peroxisomal signal in native luciferase [11]. Phosphorylation by protein kinase A caused an 80-90% decrease in
2, EXPERIMENTALThe T7 RNA polymerase promoter was added to the 5' end of frefly lueiferase eDNA, elon~l in pcDVI primer and Honjo linker a~ previously described [10], a gall site to the 3' end and the codons for the last three amino acids, SKL. the peroxisomal signal [1 l], removed by PCR using a 3' anti-sense primer Cl"GCTTGAGCTCGTCGACTTACTTTCCGCCCTTCrTG. The eodon for reline at posilion 217, GTC, was mutated to the ¢odon for arginin¢, CGC, by two stage PCR as previously described [10]. generating a site coding for RRFS. Recombinant normal and mutant (RRFS) firefly lueiferases were generated by first transcribing the PCR DNA product using 1"7 RN...