Normal, postmortem, traumatic and rheumatoid synovial fluids were studied by paper electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation and starch gel electrophoresis. It could be demonstrated that the change in the a 1 / a 2 globulin ratio, particularly prominent in normal and postmortem synovial fluids as compared with normal serum, is a consequence of the greatly increased relative concentration of alacid glycoprotein and a significant decrease in the relative concentration of the haptoglobins and the 19s a2-macroglobulin.Specimens de liquido synovial-normal, post morte, traumatic, e rheumatoideeesseva studiate per electrophorese a papiro, ultracentrifugation, e electrophorese a gel de amylo. I1 esseva possibile demonstrar que le deviation del proportion globulina a1 a globulina a2 ab le valor trovate in le sero-un deviation particularmente marcate in liquido synovial normal e post morte-es un consequentia del grandemente augmentate concentration relative de glycoproteina acide a1 e del significativemente reducite concentration relative del haptoglobinas e del macroglobulina "2 19s.
EVERAL INVESTIGATORS have demonstrated that the electrophoreticS distribution of the proteins of certain synovial fluids is unlike that of serum and, further, that considerable differences in this distribution also exist among the major groups of pathological joint fluids.*-l* Postmortem and traumatic synovial fluids are known to exhibit a highly increased relative concentration of the a,-globulins and a lower relative concentration of the a2-globulins when compared with normal serum.3S6 Thus, the al/a2-globulin ratio of these synovial fluids is significantly higher than that of normal ~e r u m .~,~, '~ In our earlier studies on the characterization of the synovial fluid proteins, these constituents were fractionated by a modification of Cohn's Method 10.15 On the basis of the obtained results it was not possible, however, to explain the differences in the above mentioned ratio of these two body fluids. The present investigation was undertaken lto determine the proteins that account for the differences in the al/a2-globulin ratio between certain syno-