“…80 Alternatively, native RNA-ChIP using MNase digestion have also been successfully applied to the study of chromatin associated RNAs. 92 In striking contrast ASSAGe, asymmetric strand specific analysis of gene expression; GRO-Seq, global run-on sequencing; NeT-Seq, native elongating transcript sequencing; RACe, rapid amplification of cDNA ends; BRiC-Seq, 5'-bromo-uridine immunoprecipitation chase-deep sequencing; SAGe, serial analysis of gene expression; PTeS, post-transcriptional exon scrambling; CARs, chromatin associated RNAs; FiSH, fluorescent in situ Hybridization; ChiP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; ChiRP, chromatin isolation by RNA purification; CHART, capture hybridization analysis of RNA targets; HiTS-CLiP, high-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by crosslinking immunoprecipitation; PAR-CLiP, photoactivatable-ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation.…”