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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)2. Abstract-A digital stereo photogrammetric system was de-wavelength corresponding to an acoustic frequency of 45 signed and implemented to measure seafloor roughness in coastal kHz-i.e., the Bragg wavelength for 45 kHz. Ripple-like sands. High-resolution images that achieve more than four patterns were created for treatments parallel, perpendicular, pixels/mm in either the horizontal or vertical dimension are created by two cameras sealed in watertight housings and and 30 degrees to the transmitted direction of acoustic energy actuated simultaneously by a scuba diver. A Digital Elevation from a variable frequency (20 to 150 kHz) transducer mounted Model (DEM) of the photographed sea floor is created from on a 4.8-m-high, moveable, underwater tower. Divers made digital autocorrelation of left and right paired images. The DEM the ripple patterns in a 2 m-by-2 m quadrat 10 m from the is used to estimate a 2D roughness power spectrum, from which tower resulting in are derived parameters of the spectral exponent and spectral , a grazing angle of about 28 degrees to the strength that are used as inputs in high-frequency acoustic desired target.Upon creating the microroughness, and scattering models.subsequently thereafter at various time intervals, divers were to document the seafloor morphology with underwaterAn important component of the Sediment Acoustic Prior to and during SAX04 Hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and EXperiment 2004 (SAX04) conducted in the northeastern Gulf Jeanne, as well as Tropical Storm Matthew, interrupted the of Mexico during September-November of 2004 was to collection of data. Furthermore, underwater visibility during investigate the acoustic scattering from the rippled sea floor, the experiments was hampered by material suspended in the In situ manipulative experiments were conducted to determine water from these storms that rendered photogrammetry the effects of dynamic seafloor roughness on high-frequency ineffectual. In addition to the lack of water clarity, another acoustic scattering, with particular emphasis on the effects of obstacle encountered was a result of t...