The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE)-the generation of a transverse electric voltage by a longitudinal heat current in conducting ferromagnets or antiferromagnets-is an appealing approach for thermoelectric power generation in spin caloritronics. The ANE in antiferromagnets is particularly convenient for the fabrication of highly efficient and densely integrated thermopiles as lateral configurations of thermoelectric modules increase the coverage of heat source without suffering from the stray fields that are intrinsic to ferromagnets. In this work, using first-principles calculations together with a group theory analysis, we systematically investigate the spin order-dependent ANE in noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn-based antiperovskite nitrides Mn3XN (X = Ga, Zn, Ag, and Ni). The ANE in Mn3XN is forbidden by symmetry in the R1 phase but amounts to its maximum value in the R3 phase. Among all Mn3XN compounds, Mn3NiN presents the most significant anomalous Nernst conductivity of 1.80 AK −1 m −1 at 200 K, which can be further enhanced if strain, electric, or magnetic fields are applied. The ANE in Mn3NiN, being one order of magnitude larger than that in the famous Mn3Sn, is the largest one discovered in antiferromagnets so far. The giant ANE in Mn3NiN originates from the sharp slope of the anomalous Hall conductivity at the Fermi energy, which can be understood well from the Mott relation. Our findings provide a novel host material for realizing antiferromagnetic spin caloritronics which promises exciting applications in energy conversion and information processing. Spintronics, where the electron's spin degree of freedom is used as information carrier rather than its charge, has attracted enormous interest because of its promising applications in the next generation of electronic technologies. In this context, spin-related transport phenomena arising in various magnets have been intensively investigated in the last two decades. In ferromagnetic metals, a transverse voltage drop can be induced by a longitudinal charge current. This phenomenon is the so-called anomalous Hall effect (AHE), [1] being one of the most competitive pathways for realizing spintronics (Figure 1a). Nevertheless, the energy consumption is inevitable in the AHE since the driving force has to be an external electric field. In this light, direct coupling between spin and heat in the field of spin caloritronics [2,3] is more energy-efficient as spin currents can be generated by temperature gradient fields by re-using industrial waste heat. Therefore, spin caloritronics usually known as "green" spintronics offers exciting prospects for energy conversion and information processing.Nowadays, two feasible approaches utilizing the Seebeck and Nernst effects (Figures 1b and 1c) are proposed for thermoelectric power generation in spin caloritronics. [2,3] The Seebeck effect is considered in the conventional thermoelectric module, in which the electrical voltage outputs parallel to the direction of heat current such that the heat reservoir has to be a part...