The study was conducted in Fogera District of South Gonder Zone of Amhara Region of Ethiopia, with the study objective of generating baseline information and assessment on backyard chicken feeding practices and health management system of chicken in Fogera District. Two Kebeles (Quar Abo and Quar Michel) were selected purposively and a total of 15 households were randomly selected per each Kebele and totally, 30 randomly selected households from two Kebeles were included in the study area. The data collected was analyzed by using Microsoft exce. The highest proportions of respondents, about 53.33% were male whereas the remaining (46.67%) were female. In the study area (40%) of the house hold young age from (20-40), 42-62 age of house hold has 43.33% whereas>62 age of house hold has 16.67%. The result of the study indicated that the dominant flock structure in the study area were layers which account (6.73±2.89), pullets (3.96±2.31), cocks (2.46±1.70), cockerels (1.25±0.53) and chicken (3.33±1.98).The important of chicken production was household consumption (13.33%), income generation or sell (40%) and 46.67% for both consumption and selling purpose their chicken and egg during holidays. Our survey result showed that the highest proportion of respondents provided supplementary feed like, maize (20%, Rice (60%) and sorghum (20%) in addition to scavenging and the rest were scavenging only. The common feed source in the study areas are scavenging (13.33%), scavenging with supplementary feeding (23.33%), purchase from the market (26.67%) and 40% other like use at home. We conclude village chicken play a vital role in the human livelihoods and contribute to food security of the rural communities. In the study area the respondents most of the time feeding system in the ground within the group, so better to use the Federer place and provide feeds by separating of chicken based on the age.