thermoelectric [ 5,6 ] and photovoltaic [ 7 ] single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) IR detectors shows good performance, but such detectors require asymmetric fabrication processes that are much more complex than what we describe in this paper. Fabrication of bolometric detectors is fairly straightforward and these can conveniently operate at room temperature. The functioning principle behind a bolometric CNT IR sensor involves incident radiation heating the CNT network, resulting in a measurable change in the CNT's electrical resistance since the resistance of CNTs strongly depends on the temperature. Therefore, reducing the CNT fi lm's thermal link to the environment is necessary to obtain an enhanced bolometric photoresponse. [ 1,8 ] For effi cient bolometer operation, the radiation absorber should have a large absorptivity, low heat capacity, and adequate temperature coeffi cient of resistance. [ 8 ] The very low density, high surface area and negligible heat capacity of CNTs make them very responsive as they are very sensitive to incident radiation. Accordingly, little absorption is needed to heat individual nanotubes and give a measurable response. The bolometric detectors require a bias voltage to generate a photoresponse whereas photovoltaic and thermopile detectors can operate under zero voltage. [ 6,9 ] CNT-based bolometric IR detectors can be broadly categorized into two groups: i) SWCNT-polymer composite fi lms where SWCNTs are uniformly embedded in polymer matrix [10][11][12][13][14] and ii) suspended SWCNT/MWCNT networks or individual bundles prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or vacuum fi ltration transfer. [ 1,8,[15][16][17][18] Recently, the bolometric characteristics of CNT-polystyrene composite fi lms were examined and a responsivity of 500 V/W and response time of around 200 ms for the composite IR sensor were observed. [ 12 ] Several similar reports on IR sensors based on CNT-polymer composite fi lms show response times on the order of hundreds of milliseconds. [10][11][12][13][14] Slower response time and complex sensor fabrication methods unsuitable for large volume fabrication are the major draw backs of CNT-polymer composite IR sensors and printed MWCNT IR sensors [ 19 ] on plastic. A plastic CNT sensor with the incorporation of an absorber and a refl ector for better sensor performance has also been reported. [ 20 ] Suspending CNTs in air or vacuum has been shown to reduce their thermal link to the environment leading to significant enhancement of the bolometric photoresponse. [ 1,8,[15][16][17][18]