Twin Frisch-grid ionization chambers (TFGICs) have been
widely used in the measurement of total kinetic energy (TKE),
angular distribution, mass, and charge of the correlated fission
fragments. To study these correlated fission parameters, we have
developed a TFGIC with a digital acquisition system for use at both
the Chinese Mianyang research reactor (CMRR) and neutron science
facility in the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry (INPC),
as well as the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). The
distribution of the electric field was investigated with Garfield
toolkit, the results showed that the ratio of the electric field of
the collect region to the drift region (Ec
) must be
greater than a critical value Z (1.78). An individual experiment,
carried out with a compound alpha source (241Am and
243Am), was used to validate the preliminary performance of
this detector. The effects of the electric field on the anode pulse
height agreed well with the simulation results. Furthermore, the
results also indicated that the energy resolution of (68.40 ±
1.07) keV at 5.39 MeV (243Am) and (69.67 ± 1.09) keV at
5.49 MeV (241Am) could be achieved. An initial in-beam fission
experiment of 235U reaction with 14 MeV neutrons was also
performed to test the setup, and the results showed that the
reconstructed emission angle could achieve a resolution of 0.221
± 0.002 on the difference of the cosines determined from both
halves of TFGIC. The present work primarily reported the development
of a TFGIC with a digital acquisition system in INPC.