n this paper we consider the class of column-convex permutominoes, i.e. column-convex polyominoes defined by a pair of permutations (π 1 , π 2 ). First, using a geometric construction, we prove that for every permutation π there is at least one column-convex permutomino P such that π 1 (P ) = π or π 2 (P ) = π. In the second part of the paper, we show how, for any given permutation π, it is possible to define a set of logical implications F(π) on the points of π, and prove that there exists a column-convex permutomino P such that π 1 (P ) = π if and only if F(π) is satisfiable. This property can be then used to give a characterization of the set of column-convex permutominoes P such that π 1 (P ) = π.