Define n to be the complexity of n, the smallest number of ones needed to write n using an arbitrary combination of addition and multiplication. John Selfridge showed that n ≥ 3 log 3 n for all n, leading this author and Zelinsky to define the defect of n, δ(n), to be the difference n − 3 log 3 n. Meanwhile, in the study of addition chains, it is common to consider s(n), the number of small steps of n, defined as ℓ(n) − ⌊log 2 n⌋, an integer quantity. So here we analogously define D(n), the integer defect of n, an integer version of δ(n) analogous to s(n). Note that D(n) is not the same as ⌈δ(n)⌉.We show that D(n) has additional meaning in terms of the defect wellordering considered in [3], in that D(n) indicates which powers of ω the quantity δ(n) lies between when one restricts to n with n lying in a specified congruence class modulo 3. We also determine all numbers n with D(n) ≤ 1, and use this to generalize a result of Rawsthorne [18].