This report summarizes activities related to hexavalent Am extraction for FY16, in completion of FCR&D Milestone M3FT-16IN030103027. Activities concentrated on three areas of research: 1) centrifugal contactor hot testing, 2) Am(VI) stability studies, and 3) alternative oxidant studies. A brief summary of each task follows.Hot Testing: A new engineering-scale oxidation and solvent extraction test bed was built at Idaho National Laboratory to allow for solvent extraction testing of minor actinide separation concepts. The test bed consists of an oxidation vessel, filtration apparatus, four, 3D printed, 2-cm diameter centrifugal contactors, feed/product vessels, and sample ports. This system replaced the previous 3 stage, 5-cm contactor test bed that was used for the initial testing in FY14. In the FY16 hot test, a feed simulant was spiked with 243 Am and 139 Ce and treated with 60 g/L sodium bismuthate for two hours to oxidize the Am(III) to Am(VI). This solution was then pumped through a filter and into the four-stage centrifugal contactor setup. The organic phase solvent formulation was 1 M diethylhexylbutyramide (DEHBA)/dodecane. The test showed that Am(VI) was produced by bismuthate oxidation and the residual oxidant was successfully filtered without back pressure buildup. Sixty-four percent of Am was extracted in the contactors using DEHBA. Both Am and Ce were quantitatively stripped by 0.1 M H 2 O 2 . Successful demonstration of the utility of small, printable contactors suggests that hot testing of separations concepts can now be conducted more often, since it is cheaper, generates less waste, and entails much less radcon risk than previous testing.
Am(VI) stability:A rigorous examination of reagents was conducted to determine if contaminants could interfere with Am oxidation and extraction. An series of D Am measurements showed that bismuthate particle size, water source, acid quality, and DAAP batch or pre-treatment had little effect on extraction efficiency, with a mean distribution ratio of 3.74 ± 0.5, using 1 M DAAP extraction. Additionally, the purposeful addition of millimolar amounts of nitrite or H 2 O 2 to bismuthate-treated Am solutions did not prevent oxidation, as long as residual solid bismuthate was present. Finally, a series of irradiation experiments using a Nordion Gammacell 220E 60 Co source was performed, and kinetic data for the radiolytic reduction of Am(VI) were obtained. Unsurprisingly, it was found that radiolysis reduces Am(VI), but that the presence of Ce(IV) acts as a radioprotection agent, to scavenge radiolyticallyproduced reducing agents, thereby enhancing the stability of the higher Am oxidation state.Alternative oxidants: To date, sodium bismuthate is the only practical oxidant for Am with utility in solvent extraction. While successful oxidation has been demonstrated with sodium peroxydisulfate, it is impractical for solvent extraction because it is only useful in dilute acid and it introduces sulfate into the process. Oxidation has been demonstrated using silver and cobalt ...