We introduce an always-on, exchange-only qubit made up of three localized semiconductor spins that offers a true "sweet spot" to fluctuations of the quantum dot energy levels. Both single-and two-qubit gate operations can be performed using only exchange pulses while maintaining this sweet spot. We show how to interconvert this qubit to other three-spin encoded qubits as a new resource for quantum computation and communication.Semiconductor qubits [1,2] are a leading candidate technology for quantum information processing [3]. Spins can have extremely long quantum coherence due to a decoupling of spin information from charge noise in many materials, and they are small, enabling high density. But these strengths pose a challenge for control as microwave pulses generally result in slow gates with significant potential for crosstalk to nearby qubits. The exchange interaction on the other hand provides a natural and fast method for entangling semiconductor qubits: it can be used to perform two-spin entangling operations with a finite-length voltage pulse or to couple spins with a constant interaction. Exchange also provides a solution to the control problem by allowing a two-level system to be encoded into the greater Hilbert space of multiple physical spins. Following work on decoherence free subspaces and subsystems (DFS) [4][5][6], many multi-spinbased qubits have been proposed and demonstrated with various desirable properties for quantum computing: as examples, 2-DFS (a.k.a. "singlet-triplet") [7][8][9][10], 3-DFS (a.k.a. "exchange-only") [11][12][13][14], or 4-DFS qubits [15] of various implementations are possible. The DFS gives some immunity to global field fluctuations, but more importantly it allows for gate operations via a sequence of pair-wise exchange interactions between spins with fast, baseband voltage control on the metallic top-gates, obviating the need for RF pulses. However, charge noise likely limits gate fidelity [16,17] as charge and spin are coupled while spins undergo exchange.The effects of charge (or other) noise on memory or gate fidelity can be suppressed to a certain extent by taking advantage of natural or engineered "sweet" spots: a spot in parameter space where critical system properties are minimally effected by certain environmental changes. Sweet spots have been an effective tool to increase the coherence of superconducting qubits [18,19] and more recently have been applied to exchange-only qubits [20][21][22][23][24]. For example, in the "resonant exchange" (RX) qubit-an encoded qubit made out of 3 quantum dot qubits with "always-on" exchange interactions and a much higher chemical potential for the middle dot than the outer dots-a partial sweet spot is maintained while microwave control allows for single qubit operations [20,21] "resonant" with the gap of the 3-spin system. The first derivative of the RX qubit frequency vanishes for one of the two detuning parameters that are affected by charge noise. For two qubit gates, the RX qubit offers a relatively large transition dipole...