Evolutionary dynamics has been classically studied for homogeneous populations, but now there is a growing interest in the non-homogenous case. One of the most important models has been proposed in [11], adapting to a weighted directed graph the process described in [12]. The Markov chain associated with the graph can be modified by erasing all non-trivial loops in its state space, obtaining the so-called Embedded Markov chain (EMC). The fixation probability remains unchanged, but the expected time to absorption (fixation or extinction) is reduced. In this paper, we shall use this idea to compute asymptotically the average fixation probability for complete bipartite graphs Kn,m. To this end, we firstly review some recent results on evolutionary dynamics on graphs trying to clarify some points. We also revisit the 'Star Theorem' proved in [11] for the star graphs K1,m. Theoretically, EMC techniques allow fast computation of the fixation probability, but in practice this is not always true. Thus, in the last part of the paper, we compare this algorithm with the standard Monte Carlo method for some kind of complex networks.