The radial pair distribution function (RPDF) is the most simple way to characterize the structure of a system. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of the dependence of the RPDF on the coupling parameter and screening length in Coulomb and Yukawa One-Component plasmas. These data allows for a precise assessment of the coupling strength of experiments and simulations via a structural measurement and give a benchmark for analytical models.Strongly coupled plasmas-in which the interaction energy exceeds the thermal energy-are often modeled as one-component plasmas (OCP, e.g., Ref.[1]) which include pure Coulomb systems and screened Yukawa systems. These models are relevant for dusty or complex plasmas [2, 3], ultracold neutral plasmas [4], ions in traps [5,6], warm dense matter [7,8], and colloidal suspensions [3]. One of the primary appeals of the OCP is its simplicity. Only one parameter [besides the screening length in the case of Yukawa systems], Γ = Q 2 /(ak B T ) (where a is the Wigner-Seitz radius and T the temperature), suffices to characterize the system completely and determines all thermodynamic properties. The coupling strength Γ has a straightforward interpretation as the ratio of the nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction energy Q 2 /a to the typical thermal energy k B T of one particle. Many fields are interested in the liquid strong-coupling regime, roughly defined by 1 Γ Γ c , where the crystallization point Γ c is on the order of 100 and depends on the dimensionality and the screening [9, 10]. Knowledge of Γ is, therefore, of paramount importance for a reliable modeling of a given experimental system. It can, however, be difficult to assess experimentally, since it requires separate measurements of the temperature T , the charge state Q, and the number density n = [(4π/3)a 3 ] −1 (n = [πa 2 ] −1 for 2D).We have, therefore, recently presented a very general method to assess the coupling strength of a threedimensional Coulomb and Yukawa system [11], extending an analogous previous work for two-dimensional systems [12]. In this method, the coupling strength is extracted from structural information alone, without the need to measure the charge state or the temperature. 1 It is based on the observation that the height g max of the first peak of the radial pair distribution function (RPDF) uniquely corresponds to the coupling strength of a system if the interaction potential is known. In the case of one-component plasmas, this requires knowledge of the inverse screening length κ, which then, together with Γ known from g max , uniquely defines all thermodynamic properties of the system. 2 In this contribution, we provide additional numerical data on seven characteristics of the RPDF (see inset in Fig. 1). This substantially extends our previous works [11,12] that were based on the nearest-neighbor distribution alone, and allows for a more detailed comparison with experimental results for the RPDF that are accessible, e.g., in dusty plasmas or colloidal suspensions. This potentially increases th...