Transverse magnetoresistance and Hall effect of the quasi-two-dimensional crystal of q-Mo,O, that undergoes twice in the charge density wave (CDW) transitions at T,, = 105 and Tc2 = 35 K, are measured in liquid He temperature ranges using a pulse magnet up to 33 T and a Bitter-type magnet up to 17 T. In the CDW state below T,, there appear hysteresis phenomena in the magnetic field dependences of both quantities when a field sweep range exceeds a threshold value of about 10 T, and the Hall voltage has a unique magnetic field dependence. Computer simulations for these unique transport quantities are made using a possible band scheme consisting of multiple conduction carriers (electrons and holes).
IntroductionThe monoclinic crystal of q-Mo,O,, is a unique material, whose crystal structure is quasi-two-dimensional and thus their Fermi surfaces are strongly anisotropic with elongated shapes along the a* axis [l]. Of particular interest is that it undergoes twice the so-called Peierls transitions at the characteristic temperatures T,, = 105 und T,, = 35 K associated with charge density wave (CDW) instabilities with the nesting vector q = 0.23b* along the b* axis. Experimentally anomalous behaviors have been found at T,, and T,, in the temperature dependences of various transport properties, such as electrical resistivity, Hall coefficient, and thermoelectric power [2 to 51. In this material system, both electrons and holes contribute to these conduction phenomena. Recent band calculations for this material ') MendelssohnstraBe 3, W-3300 Braunschweig, FRG. 2, Kagamiyama 1-3-1, Higashi-Hiroshima 724, Japan. ') On leave of absence from Department of Materials Science.