Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is a technique for the determination of the structure of surfaces, with spatial resolution on the angstrom scale. In an oversimplified description, STM allows imaging of the surface of conductive materials down to the atomic level.
The technique is based on the measurement and control of the current of electrons tunneling between a sharp stylus (hereafter called the tip) and the sample surface. During imaging, the tip is separated a few angstroms (3 to 10 Å) from the surface, while it is being rastered with the help of piezoelectric transducers. The area scanned is tens to thousands of angstroms on a side. STM has the advantage over other microscopies that its operation does not require any special environmental conditions. Imaging can be performed in vacuum, at high pressures (including air), and in liquids. The choice of the environment is determined mostly by the requirements of the sample and its surface condition.
Acquisition of STM images is relatively simple with modern instruments. Most of the experimental time is spent on sample preparation and tip conditioning in the appropriate environment (ultrahigh vacuum, electrochemical cell, or controlled atmosphere). Tip conditioning and noise reduction can sometimes add considerable time, depending on factors such as the nature of the experiment and reactivity of the sample. This time depends also on the type of information being sought.
In considering the ultimate resolution obtainable with the STM, it is important to consider the role of tip geometry. On flat parts of the sample, where one tip atom is responsible for the tunneling, STM reaches its maximum performance. On rough surfaces, however, the tunneling point on the tip apex changes as it moves over sharp corners and changing slopes. The image is then a convolution of the tip and surface shapes, and the final resolution is determined by the tip radius and profile. STM is thus not the best technique to probe, for example, highly corrugated a patterned surfaces, and porous materials.