Electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has become the tool of choice for the study of noncovalent complexes. Our previous work has highlighted the role of phosphorylated amino acid residues in the formation of noncovalent complexes through electrostatic interaction with arginine residues' guanidinium groups. In this study, we employ tandem mass spectrometry to investigate the gas-phase stability and dissociation pathways of these noncovalent complexes. The only difference in the three phosphopeptides tested is the nature of the phosphorylated amino acid residue. In addition the absence of acidic residues and an amidated carboxyl terminus insured that the only negative charge came from the phosphate, which allowed for the comparison of the noncovalent bond between arginine residues and each of the different phosphorylated residues. Dissociation curves were generated by plotting noncovalent complex ion intensities as a function of the nominal energy given to the noncovalent complex ion before entering the collision cell. These results showed that noncovalent complexes formed with phosphorylated tyrosine were the most stable, followed by serine and threonine, which had similar stability. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2008Spectrom , 19, 1535Spectrom -1541 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Mass Spectrometry P hosphorylation is one of the most prevalent and important post-translational modifications. Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events function as a molecular switch for signal transduction and enzyme catalysis. In eukaryotes, serine, threonine, and tyrosine are the three amino acid residues that can be phosphorylated. Kinase consensus sites, which promote phosphorylation of amino acid residues, are some of the most abundant domains in eukaryotic organisms, thus illustrating the importance of phosphorylation [1]. Phosphorylation also greatly influences the function of proteins in which protein-phosphate interactions affect their structure [1].The phosphate group in phosphorylated amino acid residues readily interacts noncovalently with the guanidinium group of arginine (Arg) [2]. The guanidinium group of Arg, which has a delocalized positive charge that is distributed over the entire group and a pK a of ϳ12.5 has a strong electrostatic attraction to the phosphate group of phosphorylated amino acid residues due to its strong negative charge and a pK a2 of ϳ6.7. A recent review has addressed the formation of noncovalent complexes (NCX) between the cationic guanidinium group and the anionic phosphate group [3]. The use of mass spectrometry to study noncovalent bonding between biomolecules has increased significantly. Several reviews have addressed the use of electrospray mass spectrometry and matrix-assisted laser/desorption mass spectrometry to study the noncovalent interactions between protein, peptides, nucleic acids, and drugs [4 -7].In our previous work [8 -11], we have demonstrated that motifs composed of at least two adjacent arginine residues on one peptide and a phosphorylated residu...