VINCENZO BARONE, CAMILLA MINICHINO, SANDOR FLISZAR, and NINO RUSSO. Can. J. Chem. 66, 1313 (1988). The conformational behavior of aromatic a-diimines has been analyzed by means of ab initio computations making use of the standard STO-3G minimal basis set. The absolute minimum of the potential energy curve always corresponds to the planar trans conformation and a secondary minimum is also found for a nonplanar cisoid conformation. An alternate analysis, rooted in bond energy calculations explicitly involving the charges of the bond-forming atoms, indicates that bonded rather than nonbonded interactions are responsible for the observed conformational preferences.VINCENZO BARONE, CAMILLA MINICHINO, SANDOR FLISZAR, et NINO RUSSO. Can. J. Chem. 66, 13 13 (1988). Une Ctude conformationelle ab initio, conduite en base minimale STO-3G, est prksentke pour une sCrie d' a-diimines aromatiques. La conformation planaire trans correspond dans tous les cas au minimum absolu de la courbe de potentiel, un minimum secondaire &ant observe pour la forme cisoi'de non planaire. Une analyse complkmentaire, baske sur des calculs d'Cnergies de liens en termes de charges Clectroniques, montre que ce sont les interactions liCes (par opposition a celles entre atomes non liCs) qui sont responsables pour les prkfkrences conformationelles observkes.
IntroductionTransition metal complexes of aromatic a-diimine ligands such as 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) have found extensive applications in preparative and analytical chemistry for almost a century (1-3) and are currently receiving further attention in view of solar energy conversion and storage (4, 5) and of modelling intermediates in transition metal catalyzed reactions (6, 7). In this connection, since the replacement of CH groups by N atoms leads to more electron-deficient compounds, attention has turned to coupled diazines, such as 4,4'-bipyrimidine (bpm), 2,2'-bipyrazine (bpz), or 3,3'-bipyridazine (bpd). Although the complexing ability of these ligands is essentially related to their ionization potentials and electron affinities (8, 9), for such flexible molecules the conformation assumed upon complexation often does not correspond to the equilibrium conformation of the free ligand. This consideration stimulated, several experimental investigations about the conformational behavior of-heteroaromatic systems consisting of two rings linked together by essentially single bonds (10-13). Only the neighborhood of potential energy minima can be well characterized by these techniques, the rest of the potential energy curve remaining ill defined. Theoretical computations do not suffer from this problem and the only limitation to their systematic use is the definition of the best compromise between reliability of the results and computational costs. There is now a general consensus on the use of non empirical computations employing minimal or split valence basis sets (13-18) in the rigid rotor approximation (14-16).