Abstract. We study the structure and magnetism of the ferromagnetic half metallic Heusler compound Co 2 MnGe in high-quality [Co 2 MnGe/Au] n -and [Co 2 MnGe/V] n -multilayers by hard x-ray scattering and soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS). The diffuse hard x-ray scattering reveals that in [Co 2 MnGe/Au] n at the interfaces correlated roughness dominates and interdiffusion is negligible, whereas in [Co 2 MnGe/V] n the roughness is uncorrelated and dominated by interdiffusion. An analysis of energy-dependent scans in the soft x-ray regime at the superlattice Bragg peaks allows a determination of the element specific magnetic moment density profile within the Co 2 MnGe layers. We find that the magnetic moment density profile determined for Co and Mn is definitely different, moreover, it is narrower than the chemical density profile and asymmetric with respect to the growth direction. For [Co 2 MnGe/Au] n at room temperature a non-ferromagnetic interface layer with a thickness of about 0.6 nm at the bottom and 0.45 nm at the top of the Co 2 MnGe layers exist, for [Co 2 MnGe/V] n at the bottom and the top the corresponding thicknesses are 0.5 nm and 0.35 nm, respectively.