DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.60.r8417
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Charge-order transition in the extended Hubbard model on a two-leg ladder

Abstract: We investigate the charge-order transition at zero temperature in a two-leg Hubbard ladder with additional nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion V using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique. We consider electron densities between quarter and half filling. For quarter filling and U = 8t, we find evidence for a continuous phase transition between a homogeneous state at small V and a broken-symmetry state with "checkerboard" [wavevector Q = (π, π)] charge order at large V . This transition to a checker… Show more

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Cited by 35 publications
(39 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…The oxygens relax away from the Mn 3+ ions and towards the Mn 4+ ions, thus providing a repulsive potential between Mn 3+ ions (or equivalently between Mn 4+ ions). The potential energy gain exceeds the kinetic energy loss due to the formation of this insulating state [8].When observed, the CO is generally the lowest temperature phase, but recently the CO phase has been seen to melt with decreasing temperature in The lowest temperature phase is metallic, and the CO insulator is only observed at intermediate temperatures. A reentrant transition has been obtained theoretically using extended Hubbard models both with electron-phonon interactions [11] and without electron-phonon interactions [12].…”
confidence: 96%
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“…The oxygens relax away from the Mn 3+ ions and towards the Mn 4+ ions, thus providing a repulsive potential between Mn 3+ ions (or equivalently between Mn 4+ ions). The potential energy gain exceeds the kinetic energy loss due to the formation of this insulating state [8].When observed, the CO is generally the lowest temperature phase, but recently the CO phase has been seen to melt with decreasing temperature in The lowest temperature phase is metallic, and the CO insulator is only observed at intermediate temperatures. A reentrant transition has been obtained theoretically using extended Hubbard models both with electron-phonon interactions [11] and without electron-phonon interactions [12].…”
confidence: 96%
“…The oxygens relax away from the Mn 3+ ions and towards the Mn 4+ ions, thus providing a repulsive potential between Mn 3+ ions (or equivalently between Mn 4+ ions). The potential energy gain exceeds the kinetic energy loss due to the formation of this insulating state [8].…”
confidence: 99%
“…The properties of the EHM without electron-lattice coupling were studied using mean field approaches, 35 and Cluster Perturbation Theory. 36 De-tailed studies of the EHM were also performed using the DMRG, 37,38 but not at specific values of the coupling parameters appropriate for NaV 2 O 5 .…”
Section: Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…28,30,31 The CDW state has been confirmed by studying numerically the Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor repulsions. 32 A richer phase diagram is obtained for the system at half filling 31,33 and at quarter filling. 34 Despite the huge number of theoretical works on the ordered state, the critical behavior expected close to the boundary between different phases is still unknown.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%