We extend the analysis of the effects of electromagnetic (EM) fields on mesoscopic conductors to include the effects of field quantization, motivated by recent experiments on circuit QED. We show that in general there is a photovoltaic (PV) current induced by quantized cavity modes at zero bias across the conductor. This current depends on the average photon occupation number and vanishes identically when it is equal to the average number of thermal electron-hole pairs. We analyze in detail the case of a chaotic quantum dot at temperature T e in contact with a thermal EM field at temperature T f , calculating the RMS size of the PV current as a function of the temperature difference, finding an effect ∼ pA. 72.15.Eb, 73.63.Kv Many quantum electronic devices for applications in metrology and quantum information technology involve the interaction of electrons with high frequency electromagnetic (EM) fields, often the quantum devices act as detectors of this radiation [1]. In phase-coherent (mesoscopic) devices there are quantum interference effects in electron transport such as the weak localization correction to the conductance and universal conductance fluctuations which can in principle be used to detect radiation since it suppresses these effects [2,3,4]. In practice the suppression of coherent transport by EM fields is difficult to separate from the suppression by intrinsic interactions due to the electron-electron and electron-phonon couplings.A more reliable mean of using mesoscopic conductors to detect EM radiation is to look at the DC current induced by such a field at zero voltage and temperature bias across the device, known as the mesoscopic photovoltaic (PV) effect [5,6,7,8]. This effect arises in mesoscopic conductors because the phase-coherent transmission through the device almost always violates parity symmetry and the nonequilibrium distribution created by the EM field sets up a steady-state current dictated by this parity violation. When the parity violation is due to random interference, the sign of this current will fluctuate from sample to sample and its rootmean-square (RMS) size in this case depends on the power in the EM field [5,6,8,9,10,11]. Hence after this PV current is calibrated it can be used for detection of the power in the incident EM field.The previous theoretical description [5,6,9,10,11,12] of the PV current has employed a classical treatment of the EM fields, since this description was sufficient for the systems studied experimentally [7,8,13,14,15]. In this case the RMS PV current is a monotonically increasing function of the EM field power. Recently a new generation of electronic circuits was developed [16], where a quantum electronic device is coupled to an EM field of a high quality electromagnetic resonator. If the resonator contains a small number of photons of the EM field and the lifetime of the photons is long, the interaction of the EM field with electrons requires a full quantum treatment, based on the laws of quantum electrodynamics, leading to a new sub-field...