Abstract. A generation of leptons and quarks and the gauge symmetries of the Standard Model can be obtained from the Clifford algebra C 6. An instance of C 6 is implicitly generated by the Dirac algebra combined with the electroweak symmetry, while the color symmetry gives another instance of C 6 with a Witt decomposition. The minimal mathematical model proposed here results by identifying the two instances of C 6. The left ideal decomposition generated by the Witt decomposition represents the leptons and quarks, and their antiparticles. The SU(3)c and U(1)em symmetries of the SM are the symmetries of this ideal decomposition. The patterns of electric charges, colors, chirality, weak isospins, and hypercharges, follow from this, without predicting additional particles or forces, or proton decay. The electroweak symmetry is present in its broken form, due to the geometry. The predicted Weinberg angle is given by sin 2 θW = 0.25. The model shares common features with previously known models, particularly with Chisholm