In ar ecent publication in this journal, Laplaza, Contreras-Garcia, Fuster,V olatron and Chaquin [1] (LCFVC) report an application of the Dynamical Orbital Forces (DOF) method, [2] which was used by the authorst oc hallenge the presence of an inverted central CÀCb ond in [1.1.1]propellane (1 in Scheme 1), which was suggested to exist long ago by Jackson and Allen, [3] then by Feller and Davidson, [4] and recently given theoretical support on the basis of ab initio valence bond calculations. [5] The DOF of am olecular orbital (MO) is the derivativeo fi ts energy with respectt od istanceb etween two atoms of the molecule. This quantity is interpreted, on the basis of Koopmans' theorem, as the force exerted on the nuclei along this interatomic distanceb yr emoval of one electron from the MO, in the frozen MO approximation.T he positive/negative sign of the DOF is used as am ean to characterize the bonding/antibondingn ature of the MO with respectt ot he two atoms in question.A sa ne xtension of this model, the DOFs with respect to ag iven interatomic distance are summed over all the MOs (f i )o fam olecule, and the result S(DOF i )i sc onsidered as the central quantity that determines the nature and strength of a particularb ond. Al arge positive S(DOF i )c orrespondst oastrong bond, [1,6,7] while an egative S(DOF i )s ignifies ar epulsive interaction. Thism ethodw as recently applied to as eries of hydrocarbons and alinear correlation was found between the CC bonding energies and the CC S(DOF i ). [7] Back to [1.1.1]propellane 1 in Scheme 1, this cage molecule was long supposed to possess as ignificant s-bond between the two bridgehead carbons [3,4] owing to its remarkably weak enthalpyo ff ormation (only 143 kcal mol À1 )b ye xtrusion of two hydrogena toms from bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane 2.T his value is significantly smaller than twice the standard bonding energy of a CÀHb ond. The presence of this central s-bond in 1 was confirmedb ya bi nitio calculations of the "breathing-orbital valence bond" (BOVB)t ype. [5] These calculations confirmed the order of magnitude of stability of ca. 60 kcal mol À1 ,that was estimated in previouss tudies for this bond based on the above thermodynamic considerations.Twof eatures of the bridgehead bond in 1 are noteworthy: 1) the bonding interaction takes place between two sp 3 -like hybrida tomico rbitals (HAOs) pointing away from the center of the molecule, hence its description as an "inverted bond"; 2) at variancew ith classical covalentb onds, the bonding strength of the bridgehead CC bond is mostly due to the stabilizing resonance interaction, C·-·C$[C + :C À + C: À C + ], that is, the resonancee nergya rising from mixingo ft he purely covalent component of the bond with its ionic components.A tt he same time, the covalent part alone C·-·C, involving singlet-coupling betweent he two electrons in the two HAOs,a lthough being significantly stabilizing, cannot by itself overcome the large repulsions from the surroundingw ing CÀCb onds, and is thus overall only slightly repulsive. Suc...