Peptide sequence analysis using a combination of gas-phase ion͞ion chemistry and tandem mass spectrometry (MS͞MS) is demonstrated. Singly charged anthracene anions transfer an electron to multiply protonated peptides in a radio frequency quadrupole linear ion trap (QLT) and induce fragmentation of the peptide backbone along pathways that are analogous to those observed in electron capture dissociation. Modifications to the QLT that enable this ion͞ion chemistry are presented, and automated acquisition of high-quality, single-scan electron transfer dissociation MS͞MS spectra of phosphopeptides separated by nanoflow HPLC is described.electron capture dissociation ͉ fragmentation ͉ ion͞ion reactions ͉ charge transfer ͉ ion trap S ix years ago, McLafferty and coworkers (1) introduced a unique method for peptide͞protein ion fragmentation: electron capture dissociation (ECD). In this method, multiply protonated peptides or proteins are confined in the Penning trap of a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometer and exposed to electrons with near-thermal energies. Capture of a thermal electron by a protonated peptide is exothermic by Ϸ6 eV (1 eV ϭ 1.602 ϫ 10 Ϫ19 J) and causes the peptide backbone to fragment by a nonergodic process, e.g., one that does not involve intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (2-5). One pathway for this process involves generation of an odd-electron hypervalent species (RNH 3 • ) that dissociates to produce RNH 2 and a hydrogen radical (6). As shown in Fig to an amide nitrogen, a secondary pathway, leads to the formation of carbon monoxide plus a homologous series of complementary fragment ions of types a and y. Subtraction of the m͞z values for the fragments within a given ion series that differ by a single amino acid affords the mass and thus the identity of the extra residue in the larger of the two fragments. The complete amino acid sequence of a peptide is deduced by extending this process to all homologous pairs of fragments within a particular ion series.Because ECD occurs along the peptide backbone in a sequence-independent manner, preserves posttranslational modifications (PTMs) (7-14), and can be implemented on a millisecond time scale with precursor-to-product ion conversion efficiencies that approach 30% (15-21), it has become the technique of choice for the analysis of peptide and proteins with FTICR mass spectrometers (22-28). Unfortunately, ECD in its most efficient form requires that the precursor sample ions be immersed in a dense population of near-thermal electrons. Emulating these conditions in the instruments used most commonly for peptide and protein analyses, those that trap ions with radio frequency (RF) electrostatic fields rather than with static magnetic and electric fields, remains technically challenging. Thermal electrons introduced into the RF fields of RF 3D quadrupole ion trap (QIT), quadrupole time-of-flight, or RF linear 2D quadrupole ion trap (QLT) instruments maintain their thermal energy only for a fraction of a micros...