rate, but the reagent ions SF 3 + , NO + , NO 2 + and SF 2 + do not react. Surprisingly, although all of the observed product channels are calculated to be endothermic, H 3 O + does react with CHCl 2 F. On thermochemical grounds, Xe + appears to react with these molecules only when it is in its higher-energy 2 P 1/2 spin-orbit state. In general, most of the reactions form products by dissociative charge transfer, but some of the reactions of CH 2 ClF with the lower-energy cations produce the parent cation in significant abundance. The branching ratios produced in this study and by threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy (preceding paper) agree reasonably well over the energy range 11 − 22 eV. In about one fifth of the large number of reactions studied the branching ratios are in excellent agreement and appreciable energy resonance between an excited state and the ground state of the ionized neutral exists, suggesting that these reactions proceed exclusively by a long-range charge transfer mechanism.Upper limits for the enthalpy of formation at 298 K of SF 4 Cl (−637 kJ mol -1 ), SClF (−28 kJ mol -1 ) and SHF (−7 kJ mol -1 ) are determined. 3
IntroductionThe study of ion-molecule reactions is of importance in many areas of science, such as plasmas found in industrial applications and in the interstellar medium. 1,2 These fundamental processes underpin the complex reactivity that is evident in these systems. One such mechanism is that of charge transfer, which can occur over either a long-range or a short-range. The former model states that as an ion (A + ) makes an approach toward a neutral reagent (BC), the ionic charge induces a dipole interaction in the neutral. At a critical separation between the two species, the potential curves of A + −BC and A−BC + cross, thus allowing an electron to jump from the neutral to the ion. Factors that exhibit a marked preference for the occurrence of this process include energy resonance between the ground electronic state and an ionic state of the neutral and the extent of shielding in the molecular orbital from which the electron is removed. A guide to the possible energy resonances can be found in the photoelectron spectrum (PES) of the neutral species. For the molecular reagent cations, the Franck-Condon factor for neutralising A + can also be important. If the long-range process is unfavourable, then the two species move closer together. The resulting intimate interaction can perturb the relevant potential surfaces to such an extent that a crossing is stimulated, thereby leading to short-range charge transfer. Note that, in this case, although the FranckCondon factors involved are perturbed, they still need to be appreciable in the isolated molecule for this process to transpire. Short-range charge transfer can compete with chemical reactions, where bonds are broken and formed. As neither a curve crossing nor a Franck-Condon factor is required for a chemical reaction to occur, this channel can proceed efficiently. A thorough review of the aforementioned ...