The photoaddition of naphthalene and acrylonitrile at 313 nm and in hydroxy lie solvents to afford e«ífo-7-cyano-2,3-benzobicyclo[4.2.0]octa-2,4-diene (1), the mfo-8-isomer, and 1-and 2-naphthylpropionitrile (3 and 4) is investigated. The reactive state is naphthalene Si which is determined by kinetically relating quantum yields and fluorescence quenching dependences on acrylonitrile concentration. The fluorescence quenching is proposed to occur by charge-transfer exciplex formation. Good Stern-Volmer plots are obtained for quenching in acetonitrile and rert-butyl alcohol, and the rate constant for the latter is 14 X 107 M~1 sec-1. Fluorescence of indene and anthracene is also quenched, the rate for indene being diffusion controlled. The dilution plot of reciprocal quantum yield against reciprocal acrylonitrile concentration is linear if 2,3-dimethylbuta-l,3-diene is added to prevent triplet-sensitized decomposition of 1. It is proposed that the exciplex responsible for fluorescence quenching has a polar structure, and the substituted products 3 and 4 arise from protonation of the exciplex. The evidence is that (i) the fraction of substitution increases with medium polarity and (ii) reaction in deuteroxylated solvents gives 3 and 4 labeled in the methyl groups. It is believed that indene reacts similarly and some results for the latter are presented. The exciplex structure is discussed. A correlation exists between the energetics of electron transfer and exciplex behavior for some reactions of naphthalene and benzene derivatives and acrylonitrile. This correlation may be of useful predictive value. have been published.3•5-8(1) For preliminary reports of this work see (a) R. M. Bowman and