We use structural information from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations for two-dimensional 3 He to calculate the effective mass. Static effective interactions are constructed from the density-and spin structure functions using sumrules. We find that both spin-and density-fluctuations contribute about equally to the effective mass. Our results show, in agreement with recent experiments, a flattening of the single-particle self-energy with increasing density, which eventually leads to a divergent effective mass.PACS numbers: 67.57Pq
Two-dimensional liquid3 He is particularly interesting because it is, even at zero temperature, not self-bound and can, therefore, be studied in a wide density range. Although governed by one of the simplest Hamiltonians for realistic many-body systems, 3 He exhibits a wide range of delicate and complex phenomena which have, by-and-large, been resilient to a understanding from the underlying Hamiltonian. Only recently, Monte Carlo techniques have moved to a point where structural properties have been understood from first principles [1,2]. Low-energy dynamical properties of 3 He at low temperatures are phenomenologically described by Landau's Fermi-Liquid theory, which establishes relationships between observable quantities such as the specific heat, the compressibility, and the magnetic susceptibility. Understanding the so-called Fermi-Liquid parameters in 3 He has therefore been a recurring issue in theoretical low-temperature research. The calculation of FermiLiquid parameters in terms of Feynman diagrams is operationally well defined, but the execution of the theory from an underlying microscopic Hamiltonian is far too complicated to be practical. Hence, many attempts have been made to explain the features of Fermi-Liquid parameters within semi-phenomenological models [3,4,5].We examine in this paper physical effects contributing to the effective mass in two-dimensional 3 He. This work is motivated by a recent sequence of measurements [6] that seem to indicate a Mott-Hubbard transition in quasi-two-dimensional 3 He atomic monolayers. Technically, our calculations correspond to those of Ref. 7,8, but we will use as much information as possible from accurate ground state Monte Carlo simulations.The relevant quantity for the effective mass is the single-particle propagator G(k, ω) in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. It is expressed in terms of the proper selfenergy Σ * (k, ω) through the Dyson equation [9]is the free single-particle spectrum. The physical excitation spectrum is obtained by finding the poles of the Green's function in the (k, ω)-plane. Several steps are involved in constructing practically useful expressions for the proper self-energy Σ * (k, ω). The first step is the derivation of effective interactions. We use for that purpose results from diffusion Monte-Carlo calculations [2]. The structure function can be written aswhere the components are constructed from the structure functions for parallel and antiparallel spins. Both quantities are obtained by either directly...