We evaluate from first principles the self-consistent Hartree-Fock energies for multi-soliton configurations in a doped, spin-1 2 , antiferromagnetic Mott insulator on a two-dimensional square lattice. The microscopic Hamiltonian for this system involves a nearest neighbor electron hopping matrix element t, an on-site Coulomb repulsion U , and a nearest neighbor Coulomb repulsion V . We find that nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion on the energy scale of t stabilizes a regime of charged meron-antimeron vortex soliton pairs over a region of doping from δ = 0.05 to 0.4 holes per site for intermediate coupling 3 ≤ U/t ≤ 8. This stabilization is mediated through the generation of "spin-flux" in the mean-field antiferromagnetic (AFM) background. Spin-flux is a new form of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a strongly correlated electron system in which the Hamiltonian acquires a term with the symmetry of spin-orbit coupling at the mean-field level. Spin-flux modifies the single quasi-particle dispersion relations from that of a conventional AFM. The modified dispersion is consistent with angle-resolved photo-emission studies and has a local minimum at wavevector k = π/2a(1, 1), where a is the lattice constant. Holes cloaked by a meron-vortex in the spin-flux AFM background are charged bosons. Our static Hartree-Fock calculations provide an upper bound on the energy of a finite density of charged vortices. This upper bound is lower than the energy of the corresponding charged spin-polaron configurations. A finite density of charge carrying vortices is shown to produce a large number of unoccupied electronic levels in the Mott-Hubbard charge transfer gap. These levels lead to significant band tailing and a broad mid-infrared band in the optical absorption spectrum as observed experimentally. In the presence of a finite density of charged meron-antimeron pairs, the peak in the magnetic structure at Q = π/a(1, 1), corresponding to the undoped AFM, splits into four satellite peaks which evolve with charge carrier concentration as observed experimentally. At very low doping (δ < 0.05) the doping charges create extremely tightly bound meron-antimeron pairs or even isolated conventional spin-polarons, whereas for very high doping (δ > 0.4) the spin background itself becomes unstable to formation of a conventional Fermi liquid and the spin-flux mean-field is energetically unfavorable. Our results point to the predominance of a quantum liquid of charged, bosonic, vortex solitons at intermediate coupling and intermediate doping concentrations.