Superfluidity and superconductivity are traditionally understood in terms of an adiabatic continuation from the Bose-gas limit. Here we demonstrate that at least in a 2 + 1D Bose system, superfluidity can arise in a strict quantum field-theoretic setting. Taking the theory of quantum elasticity (describing phonons) as a literal quantum field theory with a bosonic statistic, superfluidity and superconductivity (in the EM charged case) emerge automatically when the shear rigidity of the elastic state is destroyed by the proliferation of topological defects (quantum dislocations). Off-diagonal long range order in terms of the field operators of the constituent particles is not required. This is one of the outcomes of the broader pursuit presented in this paper. In essence, it amounts to the generalization of the well known theory of crystal melting in two dimensions by Nelson et al. [Phys. Rev. B 19 (1979) 2457 Phys. Rev. B 19 (1979) 1855], to the dynamical theory of bosonic states exhibiting quantum liquid-crystalline orders in 2 + 1 dimensions. We strongly rest on the field-theoretic formalism developed by Kleinert [Gauge fields in Condensed Matter, vol. II: Stresses and Defects, Differential Geometry, Crystal Defects, World Scientific, Singapore, 1989] for classical melting in 3D. Within this framework, the disordered states correspond to Bose condensates of the topological excitations, coupled to gauge fields describing the capacity of the elastic medium to propagate stresses. Our focus is primarily on the nematic states, corresponding with condensates of dislocations, under the topological condition that disclinations remain massive. The dislocations carry Burgers vectors as topological charges. Conventional nematic order, i.e., the breaking of space-rotations, corresponds in this field-theoretic duality framework with an ordering of the * Corresponding author. Present address: Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. Fax: +31715275511.E-mail address: (Z. Nussinov). (1995) 1778] on gauge-theoretical grounds. The 2 + 1D quantum liquid crystals differ in fundamental regards from their 3D classical counterparts due to the presence of a dynamical constraint. This constraint is the glide principle, well known from metallurgy, which states that dislocations can only propagate in the direction of their Burgers vector. In the present framework this principle plays a central role. This constraint is necessary to decouple compression rigidity from the dislocation condensate. The shear rigidity is not protected, and as a result the shear modes acquire a Higgs mass in the dual condensate. This is the way the dictum that translational symmetry breaking goes hand in hand with shear rigidity emerges in the field theory. However, because of the glide principle compression stays massless, and the fluids are characterized by an isolated massless compression mode and are therefore superfluids. Glide also causes the shear Higgs mass to vanish at orient...