In this talk, prospects for the charged Higgs in non-SUSY models are reviewed, in view of LHC results (as of October, 2012). The four models (Type I, Type II, lepton-specific and flipped) without tree level flavor-changing neutral currents are discussed. Updates for the case in which the charged Higgs is lighter than the top, leading to production in top decays, are presented along with expectations for the future. If the charged Higgs is heavier than the top quark, detection may be possible through the τν decay mode. In addition, it is pointed out that the decay of the charged Higgs into W h, where h is the 125 GeV state, may be dominant. Charged Higgs phenomenology in models which do contain tree level flavor-changing neutral currents, as well as the inert doublet model and others, are also briefly reviewed.