This paper presents the results of charging SiO 2 thin film electret by ion implantation. A maximum charge density of 16 mC m −2 has been shown using 500 nm thermal oxide. Charge is reproducible and stable in time. Two types of ions were used for ion implantation: phosphorus (P + ) and boron (B + ). Directly after implantation, it was found that charging with B + resulted in more stable surface potential compared to charging with P + , but after 50 days the difference is negligible. The extrapolated long-term stability of SiO 2 electrets charged by ion implantation is around 1 year. SiO 2 is a promising electret for energy harvesting, which can be charged in a reproducible and stable way by ion implantation. The results are compared to corona charging of SiO 2 . The developed process can be used to realize vibration-based capacitive energy harvester systems using CMOS-compatible processes.